Phoenix OS Thunder Lite is an Unofficial project by Tips Lab Team & this project Modded from Phoenix OS Official. Phoenix OS Thunder supported most of Laptop, Desktop & Tablet.

Warning: Don’t use NFS Injector or FDE.AL Injector because If you used then your OS performance got decrease. Use only LSpeed following our setup guide, It’s very important.

Phoenix OS is a free, Android™ based venture working framework that can be introduced on tablets, workstations, and personal computers. It is an “upgraded” rendition of Android™ concentrated on bringing Windows highlights, for example, the notable “Start Menu” and “Errand Bar”.

The design is to cause clients to feel increasingly great while moving from Windows® to Android™.

Trademark Note 1: Microsoft®, Windows®, and other item names are either enrolled trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and additionally different nations.

Trademark Note 2: Google and the Google logo are enrolled trademarks of Google Inc. Android is a trademark of Google Inc.


On the off chance that you are searching for an Android™ work area working framework, Phoenix OS merits considering. Phoenix OS is accessible for Android™ gadgets just as x86 PCs. It absolutely has a considerable amount of issues yet it is practical and extraordinarily unmistakable from other comparative Android™ based working frameworks, for example, Remix OS. How about we investigate the subtleties of Phoenix OS.

Phoenix OS Basics:

You can download Phoenix OS as a custom ROM. It would then be able to be introduced in a Nexus® 10 tablet or a Google® Nexus® 9. There is additionally an x86 download adaptation that you can stack up onto a USB streak drive. Feel free to take it with you for in a hurry processing. Phoenix OS can be booted on PCs with a 64 piece chip yet not those with 32 piece chips. In spite of the fact that it is intended for use on huge screens, it is as yet operational with littler measured gadgets. There is likewise support for console and mouse gadgets.

Prerequisites and Steps for Use:

Phoenix OS Thunder Lite is genuinely simple to utilize. Here’s a glance at the fundamental establishment steps. Start by connecting a USB streak drive that has at least 4GB of space. Spare significant information as unsaved data will be cleaned a couple of steps later. Download the Phoenix OS ZIP.

Simultaneously download the USB Maker device. Run USBMaker.exe then select the ZIP record that was downloaded, the blaze drive letter, and select the case for “compose”. Plugin the USB streak drive that you need Phoenix OS to run on. Boot up the PC and select the USB streak drive from the boot alternatives menu. That is it. The establishment passes by faster than anticipated and the client experience configuration is strong.

Updated: Besides USB streak establishment, Phoenix OS X86 now bolsters Hard Disk establishment also, alongside the as of now introduced OS on the PC (Microsoft Windows in most cases..), the client can pick which OS to dispatch during the booting/restarting of the PC. One establishment program bolsters both establishment techniques, download interface here.

Phoenix OS Control and Style:

Any individual who has utilized Windows® or other Android™ OS options, for example, Remix OS will find that Phoenix OS is anything but difficult to work. It has a fundamental work area, multi-window support, and taskbar. Utilize the Phoenix logo in the base left to get to a menu. Here, you can discover your applications and alternate routes for a wide range of choices and data. The first run through the application menu is propelled it will involve the full screen. You can contract it by tapping the bolt symbol so it doesn’t command the screen when utilized once more. The framework even permits you to work with different applications simultaneously.


Many individuals have remarked that the product is somewhat like Remix OS for PC. Some state that Phoenix OS is fundamentally a vigorously adjusted rendition of Android™ 5.1 Lollipop. The client’s experience revealed difficulty with resizing program windows. The text styles frequently neglect to alter until the client invigorates the website page.

Additionally, after a window is resized, it is hard to relocate it to another spot on the screen. Usually, such an endeavor results in inadvertently augmenting the window. Phoenix OS is adaptable, easy to use, and doesn’t burden your PC. It has quite recently enough various highlights to isolate from different other options and you most likely saw that I continued referencing Remix OS.

The program’s window the board, settings supervisor, default document program, and different perspectives have all been refreshed and improved. Phoenix OS doesn’t have issues running on gadgets that have USB 2.0 ports. You can even take your blaze drive and supplement it into an entirely unexpected PC. Your settings and applications will, in any case, be there. Try not to be hesitant to take a risk on Phoenix OS. You will probably be satisfied with its exhibition.



Thunder v4.5-Lite (05-01-2021):

Thunder v4.4-Lite (18-12-2020):

Thunder v4.3-Lite (24-09-2020):

Thunder v4.2-Lite (05-08-2020):

Thunder v4.1-Lite (31-05-2020):

Thunder v4.0-Lite (16-03-2020):


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